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Office of the Election Supervisor for the International Brotherhood of Teamsters


for the



IN RE: JEFF NORRIS and                         )           Protest Decision 2021 ESD 174

      MICHAEL JOHNSON,                         )           Issued: November 4, 2021

                                                            )           OES Case No. P-184-101221-SO

Protestors.                                          )



Jeff Norris and Michael Johnson, members of Local Union 657, filed a pre-election protest pursuant to Article XIII, Section 2(b) of the Rules for the 2020-2021 IBT International Union Delegate and Officer Election (“Rules”).  The protest alleged that Frank Perkins, principal officer of Local Union 657, violated the Rules by permitting a sergeant-at-arms to distribute campaign material at a local union membership meeting.


Election Supervisor representative Dolores Hall investigated this protest.


Findings of Fact and Analysis


Article VII, Section 5(a)(3) states that, if a local union will permit campaigning at any of its meetings, it “shall notify all candidates … of the opportunity” to do so.  Protestor Norris alleged that, at the general membership meeting of Local Union 657 held October 10, 2021, principal officer Frank Perkins permitted sergeant-at-arms Victor Casillas to distribute campaign material, without providing advance notice to all candidates that such activity would be permitted.


Investigation showed that Perkins appointed Casillas, a new union steward, to serve as sergeant-at-arms for that evening’s meeting.  He instructed Casillas to distribute to members as they checked in for the meeting a get out the vote (GOTV) flyer that was prepared by the IBT and approved by the Election Supervisor.  After the meeting convened with the pledge of allegiance, Perkins saw Casillas stand up at the back of the room and begin handing out flyers, which Perkins assumed were the GOTV flyer.  John Palmer, a member of Local Union 657 and candidate for IBT vice president – South region on the O'Brien-Zuckerman 2021 slate, was in the back row.  When the flyer Casillas was distributing reached him, he recognized it as campaign material and called out loudly to Perkins at the podium that Casillas could not distribute campaign material in the meeting.  When Perkins understood that Casillas was distributing partisan campaign flyers instead of the GOTV flyer, he admonished Casillas from the podium that distribution campaign flyers inside the union hall was prohibited, and he directed Casillas to retrieve all the flyers he had distributed.


Casillas told our investigator that he was a new steward and unaware of the election rules concerning distribution of campaign flyers in union meetings.  He said at work he and his co-workers had discussed which candidates to support, and he decided to prepare a flyer to assist other members with their electoral choices.  The flyer listed all candidates that appear on the ballot sent to members in the South region.  Next to candidates Casillas recommended was a .  Next to candidates Casillas did not recommend was XX.  The flyer gave no reason or argument for any of the recommendations.


Multiple witnesses told our investigator that the distribution was confined to the last row of members in the meeting and that all but one member receiving a flyer returned it.  The one who retained his told our investigator that he had placed it with other papers he had in the meeting and did not realize he still had it until after the meeting concluded and he left the hall.  He subsequently destroyed it without making copies or distributing it further.


On these facts, we find no violation of the Rules.  Although Casillas held apparent union authority as sergeant-at-arms for the meeting, the union, in the person of Perkins, did not permit campaigning at the meeting and, when campaigning occurred, Perkins promptly caused it to stop and the campaign message retrieved.


For these reasons, we DENY the protest.


Any interested party not satisfied with this determination may request a hearing before the Election Appeals Master within two (2) working days of receipt of this decision.  Any party requesting a hearing must comply with the requirements of Article XIII, Section 2(i).  All parties are reminded that, absent extraordinary circumstances, no party may rely in any such appeal upon evidence that was not presented to the Office of the Election Supervisor.  Requests for a hearing shall be made in writing, shall specify the basis for the appeal, and shall be served upon:


Barbara Jones

Election Appeals Master


Copies of the request for hearing must be served upon the parties, as well as upon the Election Supervisor for the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, all within the time prescribed above.  Service may be accomplished by email, using the “reply all” function on the email by which the party received this decision.  A copy of the protest must accompany the request for hearing.


                                                                  Richard W. Mark

                                                                  Election Supervisor

cc:        Barbara Jones

            2021 ESD 174









Bradley T. Raymond, General Counsel

International Brotherhood of Teamsters


Edward Gleason


Patrick Szymanski


Will Bloom


Tom Geoghegan


Rob Colone


Barbara Harvey


Fred Zuckerman


Ken Paff

Teamsters for a Democratic Union


Scott Jenkins

Jeff Norris

Michael Johnson


Teamsters Local Union 657

Frank Perkins


Dolores Hall


Jeffrey Ellison