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Office of the Election Supervisor for the International Brotherhood of Teamsters

06 Elec. App. 034 (KC)


This matter is an appeal from the Election Supervisor's decision 2006 ESD 189 issued April 17, 2006.

A hearing was held before me on May 3, 2006. The following persons were heard by way of teleconference: Jeffrey J. Ellison, Esq. on behalf of the Election Supervisor, Joan Somer, on behalf of Local Union 705 and Tony DiDonato the appellant in this matter.

This matter consolidates two protests of delegate candidate DiDonato dealing with the handling of ballots in connection with delegate elections in Local Union 705. The first alleged that the local did not correct bad addresses on its membership list until after it had been given to DiDonato. The second alleged that the local intended to send ballots to members not in good standing.

On appeal, DiDonato is pressing only his second compliant. The analysis provided by the Election Supervisor in his written order indisputably demonstrates that the procedure utilized by the local in connection with the mailing of ballots to its members did not run afoul of the Election Rules. DiDonato's claim is that the local wasted financial resources by printing and mailing ballots to persons who would eventually be found ineligible to vote.

It is clear that the local had no choice given the circumstances to proceed as it did, but even if there were deemed to be a waste of resources, no violation of the Rules is thereby stated.

Accordingly, the Election Supervisor's decision is affirmed.

Kenneth Conboy
Election Appeals Master
Dated: May 10, 2006